Knorr Fix Farmer's Pot for Ground Hamburger
Knorr Fix Bauerntopf mit Hackfleisch
43g (4 Servings)
Vegan / Vegetarian
Product of Germany

Additional Ingredients: 800g colorful peppers
700g potatoes
300g lean minced meat

1. Peel the potato and cut the potatoes and peppers into cubes
2. Saute the minced meat in 2 tablespoons of hot oil for 2 minutes
3. Add the peppers and potatoes and let them fry on all sides for 2 minutes
4. Pour in 350mL water and stir in the Bauerntopf mit Hackfleisch Fix
5. Bring to the boil while stirring and then cover and simmer for about 25 minutes.
6. Stir around every now and then