Knorr Fix Sauce For Chicken Fricassee
Knorr Fix Sosse fuer Huehnerfrikassee
Makes 36g (2 Servings)
Product of Germany
Additional Ingredients: 250g Chicken breast
150g Carrots
150g mushrooms
150g Peas
100mL cooking cream
1. Cut the chicken breast into cubes and the carrots and mushrooms into slices
2. Sauté the chicken breast in 1 tablespoon of hot oil in a high pan
3. Remove the chicken breast from the pan and keep warm
4. to steam carrots and mushrooms in the pan
5. Pour in 250mL cold water and 100mL cooking cream and stir in the Knorr fix chicken
6. Cook, stirring, for a full 5 minutes
7. Add 150g peas and let the sauce cook for another 5 minutes
8. Let the chicken breast cubes get hot in the sauce
9. Enjoy!